St. James is an Episcopal parish in the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The Episcopal Church in the United States has its origins in the Church of England (Anglican Church), a church which stresses its continuity with the ancient Western church through apostolic succession. 


St. James Episcopal Church is one of the seven congregations originally founded in Florida. The church (formerly St. Joseph's) received its charter from the Territory of Florida in 1835, three years before either the Diocese or the State were founded.

Following the hard times of a Yellow Fever outbreak and the Great Tide, St. James was re-founded in 1931 and became a parish in 1962.

Our original location was on 6th Street; that building still stands and is in use by another church today. The current church building was erected in 1993/1994 and was subsequently dedicated by the Rt. Rev. Charles Duvall, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, on April 10, 1994.