Meet Our Priest: The Rev. Dr. Rian Adams

The Rev. Dr. Rian Adams is a native of North Florida, and he’s the fortunate husband of Mrs. Amber Adams. The two were high school sweethearts, and over two decades later, they are still best friends and happily married with an amazing 14-year-old son, Brody, and a sweet little dog, Zellie the Min-pin.

Fr. Rian holds various degrees and certificates from Evangel University, Wesley Seminary, the U.S. Military Academy, Harvard Business School, and Sewanee: The University of the South. Fr. Rian’s doctoral thesis focused on how Jungian psychology combined with a theology of mercy can inform and challenge the Christian Church’s historical and contemporary use of shame to control and discipline. 

Additionally, Fr. Rian served as a chaplain in the United States military, holding the rank of captain. He sustained injuries during Operation Enduring Freedom, which led to his medical retirement. His awards include the Bronze Star (V), the Army Commendation Medal (x4), the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the War on Terror campaign ribbon.

Fr. Rian enjoys photography, poetry, and playing live music. His photography has been featured in local galleries. His poetry hobby led to the book Love, War, and Soul, available on Amazon. There, he chronicles his struggles with combat Post Traumatic Stress after military service. Music is another creative outlet—he’s a wanna-be guitar player because, and his wife jokes, he’s “…just a session man.” stuck in the studio because he doesn’t play with a band at present.  

You can read Fr. Rian’s blog by clicking here.